Privacy Policy - A.I.T

Privacy Policy

AIT (A.I.T. BİLGİSAYAR SİSTEMLERİ MAKİNE SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ.) automatically records certain technical information, such as non-personal IP addresses, via Cookie technology when users access the website. These details may include users’ internet browser types, domain addresses of internet service providers, visit frequency, duration, and preferences. While visitor numbers are tracked cumulatively, no personally identifiable information is included. This data ensures the site’s relevance and allows for user evaluation based on interests. Non-personal information may be shared with AIT’s business partners. Users can adjust their computer settings to block or receive notifications about cookie usage.

AIT provides links to various internet addresses from its pages. However, AIT is not responsible for the content or privacy principles of linked, banner-advertised, or promoted sites. This linking process is legally considered “referencing.”

AIT reserves the right to make changes to this website’s privacy policy without notice.

By using the AIT website, every visitor is deemed to have accepted the privacy policy outlined above.

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